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Web applications for PLC simulations: first steps towards PLC simulations-as-a-service

M. Seijo, G. López, J. Matanza, J.I. Moreno

6th IEEE International Energy Conference - ENERGYCON 2020, Túnez (Túnez). 28 septiembre - 01 octubre 2020


PLC (Power Line Communications) present a wide range of advantages that make them very appropriate for Smart Grid applications, such as that there is no need to deploy additional communication infrastructure. However, they also involve a harsh communication medium, which suffers from frequency selectivity, impedance variation depending on the connected loads, or noise introduced by such connected loads. In this context, simulation tools are useful to evaluate the performance of this kind of networks under different conditions in an agile and cost-effective manner. Nevertheless, the typical complexity and learning curve of network simulators hinder their use, thus making it difficult to make the most out of them. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents two web applications that have been developed to ease the execution of simulations of NB-PLC (Narrowband) networks (based on PRIME - PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) and of MVBPL (Broadband Power Line over Medium Voltage) cells. These applications represent the first steps towards offering PLC simulations-as-a-Service, which could bring benefits to the research community, academic environments, and the industry.

Palabras clave: Power Line Communications, Simulations, Software-as-a-Service, Web applications

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en IEEE ENERGYCon 2020, pp: 1007-1012, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2957-0

Fecha de publicación: 2020-09-28.

M. Seijo, G. López, J. Matanza, J.I. Moreno, Web applications for PLC simulations: first steps towards PLC simulations-as-a-service, 6th IEEE International Energy Conference - ENERGYCON 2020, Túnez (Túnez). 28 septiembre - 01 octubre 2020. En: IEEE ENERGYCon 2020: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2957-0

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Redes inteligentes
  • Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC)
  • Protocolos de intercambio de datos
  • Modelado de datos y protocolos de intercambio
  • Comunicaciones digitales

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